Here is a webcast I conducted with her, as part of this project:
Conversation with Brent G Wilson (33 minutes)We talked about some of my perspectives on making instructional design more relevant to practitioner needs.
I use this blog to share work and thoughts related to instructional design and technology (IDT).
Conversation with Brent G Wilson (33 minutes)We talked about some of my perspectives on making instructional design more relevant to practitioner needs.
Baker, F. W., III (2013). TrendSetters: Conversations with Innovators in Learning and Technology [interview iwth Brent G. Wilson]. TechTrends, 57 (6), 7-8.
Flyvbjerg, B. (2001). Making social science matter: Why social inquiry fails and how it can succeed again (S. Sampson, Trans.). New York: Cambridge University Press.I'm excited about this - hence this quick post. I'll put up something more formal soon, when I have developed the construct more fully.